Links to Older Articles

Intro: This is just a short series about what apologetics is and why it's important.
1 Peter 3:15

The Rise of Relativism:  This series deals with the problem of relativism in today's society.
What and How?
The Foundation
It is Written
Extreme Application

Is God Dead?  A series of posts on why atheism is a failed system and worldview.
Entry Level Atheism
Faithful Yet Fruitless
Worthless Cosmic Orphans
The Noble Lie
Side by Side

Faith in Facts:  Historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ.
In Vain
Home Field Advantage
You Decide
The Mathematical Messiah

Elaborating On Evil:  Why evil and suffering don't prove there is no God.
The Problem
Play Calling
The Logical Version
The Evidential Version

The Broken Bride:  How the church went from dominating culture to submitting to culture and why.
The Tragedy of the Dumb Church
The Fall of the Church