
1 Peter 3:15...

"always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you;"  

  I titled this post with a verse that most apologists have on every mug and bumper sticker they own, but again, this isn't a blog for most apologists.  This is basic training for people that have recently decided to join the fight.  I wanted everyone to know why I feel the need for an emphasis on apologetics.  This isn't a hobby or yet another theological rabbit hole that provokes brothers into debate.  Apologetics is a command, plain and simple.  It's a calling on believers to unify and stand their ground in a post-Christian America.  It's important.

  We live in a time when everyone has a masters degree in Google.  Free thinking has given way to search engine scholars and you tube philosophers that all post their views to Face book and wait on 50 of their friends to hit the like button for personal validation.  The real problem with this is that people have forgotten how to reason.  If you find yourself in an office debate on a football game and you know nothing of the sport, you can always take a few minutes to search for an "expert opinion" on the teams so you can contribute to the conversation.  You don't need to bring any real knowledge to the table.  You don't need to follow the teams closely, factor in the similar opponents or know who's injured. This was how our father's discussed football, but not us, we Google it.

  The difference is that football is a game, and God is eternal.  But people are getting into the conversation the same way.  If people have doubts about God, they Google it, and the results are disastrous.  Having spent a little time in the agnostic camp, it's safe to say I know how they feel.  Lost people have legitimate questions, and unless properly equipped, we wind up responding with statements like "have more faith" or "but it's in the Bible."  If they're really lucky they get the old "I'll pray for you" response to a question like "why is the Earth 4.5 billion years old according to scientific discovery and only 6,000 years old according to the Bible?"  The truth is the average Christian can't give a satisfactory answer to the question I just posed in the previous sentence.  The answer is short and simple, but it has to be answered properly.  Otherwise your friends, family and co-workers will Google their way into a Godless eternity.

  This is why Apologetics is important.  You need to answer their questions yourself.  If you Google a response then they'll know.  It's time to exercise your reasoning skills.  Always be prepared to make a defense for your faith. Always.